Saturday, September 5, 2009

I fuckin love Jesus!

So I used to cuss a lot. Like, a lot a lot. It was fun. I think it all started because I really loved to listen to Puff Daddy back in like 2nd grade, and so maybe his language and gangsta swagga stuck with me. I remember my friend got me the No Way Out cd on my 8th or 9th birthday and my mom made me return it because it had the parental advisory sticker on it. Laaaame.They don't make music like that anymore...
And then there were those days I would go to my best friend's house and that's when I would release a fury of swear words because his family was cool with it (they were white haha). And that kept going until like 5th grade when email started getting big and I would send my friends emails saturated in 4letter words. Twas a fun time indeed. Until I found out that their parents read their emails and then I got in trouble.
And then somewhere between then and college I decided that Jesus didn't like my swearing, as if to say, "Well dang Jesus, you left your glory in heaven, you lowered yourself to a man, you became a slave to people, you lived like a hobo, you died a humiliating death meant for criminals and I, nathan lee, SHALL REPAY YOU!!! ... by not swearing anymore!"

I think some Christians are convinced that a changed life consists of not swearing, not drinking, and not dressing all hoochie. And even for those people who look at that last statement and say, "Why, dear me, that is indubitably not I!" you may still pass judgment when you see Christians act in ways that don't match up to the church-made list of do's and don'ts. Christianity isn't about rules. Christianity can't be about rules. If it is, then I'm wasting my time. Following a list of rules doesn't seem like a cause worth giving your life to. Jesus told us to be free. I think I'm down with that. It's a much higher, better, but also a much more costly call.
What makes a believer holy? What should Christians be known for? They say it's love. The title of this post is "I fuckin love Jesus." Yes, I'll admit, it's a bit sensationalist. I apologize. Kinda. But the Fword is good at adding emphasis. In fact, I personally believe that it might be the best word in the English dictionary for this purpose. So then, shouldn't this represent what Christians are all about? Loving Jesus to the highest degree? You may disagree. Of course there's all this complication about causing people to stumble, giving Christians a bad rep, yes yes. But I think the soul of our purpose remains--we gotta love people. Love em the most we fucking can.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a convo i had with a friend this past thursday... i was talking to somebody else just yesterday about it too, and i think im still unsure about my views on cussing cause i cant imagine 5 year olds or people like mother teresa or the president do it. then again, i don't understand why it's supposedly ok to say "dang" but not "damn"...right? i shall blog about this topic also! soon. haha

Eric Li said...

I totally agree that the focus on Christianity should not be on rules and regulations and that we shouldn't judge others (Christians or not) but I also believe that Christians should strive to become more holy and Christ-like and I don't believe I can just say that it's cool that I swear all the time.
"But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: ... filthy language from your lips." (Col 3:8)
I think it's kind of explicit swearing is wrong. I also think that the Bible is relatively neutral on drinking and I have no idea what hoochie is lol.

rickyonabun said...


Bill said...

so, how does your opinion on cuss words line up with the word of God?
What does God say about course jesting and silly talk? What does God say about the impact of what you say and do has on other believers in His son? You do not look at what He says, you only rationalize what you want to do. That is not different than the people you are condemning for disliking the way you talk. Your hypocrisy screams that you do not love Jesus, you only want to say what you want to say, not caring what impact it has on Jesus and the ones He died for. I suggest you do a Bible Word study on love, and then on speech, words.

Tim said...

Some what agree with that Bill said..but probably put it in a nicer way.
i doubt that you don't love Jesus otherwise you wouldn't be making this post...haha.
Christians are known for love, maybe. But that's not what who we are. We are people that strives to display the image of Jesus - to be like Jesus. And through that, love comes out. And the rules comes from the thirst of wanting to be like Jesus. So therefore, people ask, WWJD?